Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yep, He Hears like a Boy!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 at 4:15pm

Today was Jayden's 6-year appointment with the doctor. (Yep, we're a little late because we didn't make it a year ahead ONCE!)

Anyway, the doctor said to give him what he likes last, so he will eat a variety of foods, not just the same old things. Jayden only caught the "give him what he likes part"!!!!!!!

He's 47 1/2 inches tall and 49 pounds. His weight is finally more than the 25th percentile--not that his clothes fit if I buy the correct length! I could just kiss whoever invented the adjustable elastic in the waist! (Well. . . maybe I could kiss them. . . it all depends!) ;) He's only at about the 75% percentile for his height now, which is down from the 95th at one point in time. Guess that's why he's not towering quite so high over the other kids in his class--although, I do believe he is taller than almost everyone in his class!

He got his finger stuck to test his iron, and he had to pee in a cup. He thought THAT was cool!!!! He came out of the bathroom (with his dad) looking soooooo smug!! I missed the whole finger stick because when Vaelyn found out that Jayden had to go to the bathroom, she had to too, so we managed to wait until he was done, and then she spent all day because. . . well. . . it was not the quick kind! So, I missed the whole thing!! He came out with a bandaid on his finger, telling me about her squeezing his finger to make the blood come out. I had warned him about what was coming up and told him how I had to have my finger stuck every week while I was pregnant with him and again with sister!!!

Anyway, the only thing he's talking about now is how the doctor said to give him what he likes! ;)

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