Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dance like a Klingon

Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 10:24pm

My children have this habit of incorporating whatever they see or hear into their play. We've talked about death and dying some in preparation of our upcoming loss of their GiGi. We've explained that Phillip's daddy is dead, and that Grandpa's mommy and daddy are dead, and so on. Because of this, we hear our children playing with their stuffed animals or Vaelyn's dollhouse people, saying things like, "Your mommy is dead," etc. They seem to be working out solutions to deal with the characters' grief to some extent too. It's really quite impressive for their ages (5 1/2 and almost 4).

Anyway, sometimes they incorporate more pleasant things as well. Phillip was watching Star Trek: Next Generation tonight, and Worf was doing some Klingon exercises. (You know, the ones that look like tai chi). Anyway, Vaelyn started doing some crazy something and informed us that she was doing what he did. I forgot how she worded it. It was so cute! Anyway, I asked her if she was doing her Klingon war exercises. She said, "Yes." So I guess instead of doing her little ballerina spins, she was dancing like a Klingon. It's enough to make any mother's heart swell with pride. ;)

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