Thursday, September 30, 2010

"To Build a Fire" in Kindergarten?

Monday, January 11, 2010 at 9:08pm

Okay, I don't know WHERE it came from, but I think someone somewhere has introduced Jayden to "To Build a Fire" or maybe he's seen The Empire Strikes Back???

Anyway, he was cold on the way home today, and he told me that he was going to kill an animal. . . (I'm getting concerned here). . . cut it open, clean it out, wash it really good and wear it. I tried to explain to him that if he killed an animal, it would really hurt it, and it would bleed all over the place. His matter-of-fact response was that he would kill a BAD animal. I struggled to understand exactly what a "bad animal" was. At first, it sounded like a stray cat. Then he mentioned a bob cat. I'm still not sure quite what he means, but if you see my child walking around with a strange animal, please stop him!!!! ;)

I really don't think he has any thought of SERIOUSLY doing this. He (and Vaelyn) have VERY VIVID imaginations, so I think we're okay. But it wouldn't hurt to stop him anyway! ;) My brother and a friend were going to dissect the friend's dog when they were five because they didn't understand that it would kill her. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!

In the meantime, we'll still be working on the whole empathy factor and proper non-psychopath-like behavior! ;) Can you imagine how this must sound to people who've never met him or who don't have or have never been around children???

First, Vaelyn tells her brother, "Touch the spindle; touch it I say!" in a sinister voice, and now Jayden's wanting to hack open living animals to make a fur coat. I'm telling you, these kids EXHAUST me! :)

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