Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ding, Dong! The Parsnip's Dead!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at 9:35pm

Yesterday, I was fixing supper, and Vaelyn wandered into the dining room. Apparently, she found a fruit fly because next thing I know, she's ecstatic, saying, "I killed Parsnip! Yea! I knew I could do it. I had a plan, and it worked. I squashed him with the jelly jar." Great. "Daddy will be so proud of me!" Uh. . . not if he finds out that you got Parsnips guts on the jelly jar! Anyway, I guess her fascination with Parsnip is OVER! So much for the idea that if you name something, you've made it a pet, and you can't eat it! Okay, so we didn't eat (any of) Parsnip, to my knowledge, but she was quite happy to have killed what she had named.

Man, I guess I need to start paying more attention when she tells me she hates me. I thought it was just a stage that she's going through, but maybe I'd better watch out!!! ;)


It's funnier if you've read this post: "Vaelyn has more cousins than Jayden. That's what Jayden says because Vaelyn has a little fruit fly (somewhere) that she named Parsnip. ("He's so adorable!") She has made him her cousin, so now she has more cousins than Jayden does. Today, Parsnip's daddy got into the car. His name is Oh-see. She thinks he's handsome. I told her that I didn't agree."

So, she murdered FAMILY!!!


It blew my mind. Up to this point, every time I try to kill a fruit fly or mosquito, no matter where I am, she tells me, "Don't kill Parsnip!" Then she decides to smash his guts out herself!


July 11, 2009 at 3:59pm
Just read a poem today by Christina Rossetti about not killing things! Not even a fruit fly. Oh, dear. Discovered it all too late for Vaelyn! ;)

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