Thursday, September 30, 2010

It Has Begun!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 10:09pm

With the solidification of the topic for my NaNoWriMo novel has come the {gasp} thinking in novel-like excerpts. At least this year I'm writing in first person, so that won't be quite so weird!! Nevertheless, it is still a very weird "sensation" for lack of a better word. I lack words to recreate the experience for those of you who have never attempted writing a novel, particularly writing a novel in a limited time period, say, 30 days. As you become enveloped by your novel, your whole perception of every day things changes. You view things as if you are a character in a novel. Your mind describes things as the author might describe your surroundings. You think in dialogue. It's a fascinating malady! NaNoWriMo begins November 1st, and my mind has already begun "the switch" into the language of novel. I am anxious to begin, although part of me really just wants to finish the first one I began in November 2007. Maybe that can be a summer project this year now that I'm not taking classes. It's my FAVORITE! This one will not be sci-fi. It will be fiction, of course, but realism--not the type of thing I am most excited about writing. However, I have direction and motivation for this one that I believe will carry me through. I even know who it will be in memory of and in honor of. Regardless of whether I finish or not, this will be a very powerful experience because of the topic I have chosen. (More later). :)

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