Thursday, September 30, 2010

Be Sure to Let Me Know If You Die

Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 8:50pm

Vaelyn said something a little while ago that totally sums up our day today. She was going potty for the last (I hope) time before she falls asleep, and she yelled back to Jayden, "Jayden, what are you doing?" (Catch phrase of the day!) Anyway, he told her he was just laying in his bed (Yes, I know that it should be lying, but laying is what he said). Then she asked him if he was touching anything. (I don't think there's much of anything left in the house that he hasn't touched today, including the ceiling, since he awakened at 5:00 a.m. this morning). Anyway, he said he wasn't touching anything. She replied, "Well, if you do, let me know if you DIE!"

You can see that we have had a very trying day with a child who has done things like pull the wires out of the wall from the old thermostat that THANK GOD was no longer HOT! One of the wires he pulled out was connected to a neat little bulb (think tiny cathode ray tube shape) that contains mercury, you know, the real, cool-behaving stuff. Anyway, we managed to discover his antics before he burst the tube.

This is just ONE of the incidents today. I think he was so wired that he couldn't even SEE straight! To my knowledge, there was no sugar involved either. And no allergy medicine. Unless he got into a stash of candy before 5 a.m. It didn't look like it though.

We won't even talk about the poor plastic snow globe that is no longer with us or the other couple of toys that met their untimely demise today.

Oh. . . and then there's what the toy spider did to Daddy's laptop key that will not go back in because someone chewed on the little plastic support and the little circle is either non-existent (which I doubt) or lost--the story keeps changing. aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

In short, I just wanted to make your day better by sharing some of mine!

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