Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Baby's Growing Up!

Saturday, April 11, 2009 at 7:19pm

Thursday morning Vaelyn left Daddy Blankie on the couch after saying, "Bye bye, Daddy Bwankie. Have a good day, Daddy Bwankie!"

Wow! She doesn't need him anymore!!! This would be more amazing if you knew how Daddy Blankie happened to join our family. We were off shopping one day, and Vaelyn was exhausted, but we didn't have her blankie with us. We bought another one, which didn't work at all! Well, next thing we know, that blankie is her favorite, although we've only recently learned why. She has three blankies, and the last one's name varies a little. Like everything she named when she was little, they are named in variations of mommy, daddy, and baby Hilton. Her original blankie became Mommy Blankie because the bear's head is smaller, the new one became Daddy Blankie because that bear was larger. Then there is another blankie that changes back and forth from Vaelyn Blankie to Granny Blankie.

Oh, if you're wondering what is so special about Daddy Blankie that allowed him to usurp the original blankie: he rattles! The others squeak. Who knew!

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