Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Letter Does Your Soulmate's Name Start With? Results

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 12:25am

Result: The Letter J
Possibly (but not limited to) Jacob, Jack, Jacqueline, James, Jade or Jaime.

Bonus fortunes:
You will meet each other in: January.
Your honeymoon will be in: Jacksonville, Florida.
Your life together will be: joyful.
Your friends will be: jealous.
Okay. . . Phillip doesn't start with J, but we did meet in January! We also married in January. (A different January, in case you're wondering!) And our life together has been joyful (with a few tiny moments of exception), and some of my friends are jealous. ;)

Hmm. . . everything they chose started with J. What would they have written for the other answers to go with P? What month starts with P???? Your life will be peachy and your friends with be pithy? (Alas, when I start getting all Shakespeare-y, I know it's time for bed!!!) Adieu, adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow. . . and run, run, as fast as a squirrel, you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread girl. (Who is it who writes all these sexist stories anyway?!)

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