Thursday, September 30, 2010

Beauty and the Beast: The Horror Story

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 7:27pm

Vaelyn just made up a story for us.

It goes something like this: "Belle and her father went outside to play. Belle told her father, 'Father, go inside the house. You have a cold.' And then he went inside, and he loved and loved to play in the snow, so he was sick and he had to stay inside. He punched himself and then he died and he was gone. His brains spread out and then it spread into tiny pieces. He's in heaven now."

Sometimes I really worry!

"To Build a Fire" in Kindergarten?

Monday, January 11, 2010 at 9:08pm

Okay, I don't know WHERE it came from, but I think someone somewhere has introduced Jayden to "To Build a Fire" or maybe he's seen The Empire Strikes Back???

Anyway, he was cold on the way home today, and he told me that he was going to kill an animal. . . (I'm getting concerned here). . . cut it open, clean it out, wash it really good and wear it. I tried to explain to him that if he killed an animal, it would really hurt it, and it would bleed all over the place. His matter-of-fact response was that he would kill a BAD animal. I struggled to understand exactly what a "bad animal" was. At first, it sounded like a stray cat. Then he mentioned a bob cat. I'm still not sure quite what he means, but if you see my child walking around with a strange animal, please stop him!!!! ;)

I really don't think he has any thought of SERIOUSLY doing this. He (and Vaelyn) have VERY VIVID imaginations, so I think we're okay. But it wouldn't hurt to stop him anyway! ;) My brother and a friend were going to dissect the friend's dog when they were five because they didn't understand that it would kill her. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!

In the meantime, we'll still be working on the whole empathy factor and proper non-psychopath-like behavior! ;) Can you imagine how this must sound to people who've never met him or who don't have or have never been around children???

First, Vaelyn tells her brother, "Touch the spindle; touch it I say!" in a sinister voice, and now Jayden's wanting to hack open living animals to make a fur coat. I'm telling you, these kids EXHAUST me! :)

Yep, He Hears like a Boy!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 at 4:15pm

Today was Jayden's 6-year appointment with the doctor. (Yep, we're a little late because we didn't make it a year ahead ONCE!)

Anyway, the doctor said to give him what he likes last, so he will eat a variety of foods, not just the same old things. Jayden only caught the "give him what he likes part"!!!!!!!

He's 47 1/2 inches tall and 49 pounds. His weight is finally more than the 25th percentile--not that his clothes fit if I buy the correct length! I could just kiss whoever invented the adjustable elastic in the waist! (Well. . . maybe I could kiss them. . . it all depends!) ;) He's only at about the 75% percentile for his height now, which is down from the 95th at one point in time. Guess that's why he's not towering quite so high over the other kids in his class--although, I do believe he is taller than almost everyone in his class!

He got his finger stuck to test his iron, and he had to pee in a cup. He thought THAT was cool!!!! He came out of the bathroom (with his dad) looking soooooo smug!! I missed the whole finger stick because when Vaelyn found out that Jayden had to go to the bathroom, she had to too, so we managed to wait until he was done, and then she spent all day because. . . well. . . it was not the quick kind! So, I missed the whole thing!! He came out with a bandaid on his finger, telling me about her squeezing his finger to make the blood come out. I had warned him about what was coming up and told him how I had to have my finger stuck every week while I was pregnant with him and again with sister!!!

Anyway, the only thing he's talking about now is how the doctor said to give him what he likes! ;)

It Has Begun!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 10:09pm

With the solidification of the topic for my NaNoWriMo novel has come the {gasp} thinking in novel-like excerpts. At least this year I'm writing in first person, so that won't be quite so weird!! Nevertheless, it is still a very weird "sensation" for lack of a better word. I lack words to recreate the experience for those of you who have never attempted writing a novel, particularly writing a novel in a limited time period, say, 30 days. As you become enveloped by your novel, your whole perception of every day things changes. You view things as if you are a character in a novel. Your mind describes things as the author might describe your surroundings. You think in dialogue. It's a fascinating malady! NaNoWriMo begins November 1st, and my mind has already begun "the switch" into the language of novel. I am anxious to begin, although part of me really just wants to finish the first one I began in November 2007. Maybe that can be a summer project this year now that I'm not taking classes. It's my FAVORITE! This one will not be sci-fi. It will be fiction, of course, but realism--not the type of thing I am most excited about writing. However, I have direction and motivation for this one that I believe will carry me through. I even know who it will be in memory of and in honor of. Regardless of whether I finish or not, this will be a very powerful experience because of the topic I have chosen. (More later). :)

Shopping with Vaelyn

Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 10:11pm

I can't wait until Vaelyn is old enough to go shopping and have fun. (Now, it's difficult because she gets tired of being in the buggy, etc, so it's extremely challenging!!) Well, today, she asked for an Avon brochure in the car on the way home, and she flipped open to the black slimwear dress and said, "Mommy, I want to buy this dress for you." Then she was reading the price. She said it was 3-9 dot 9-9. I told her how to read the price, and she replied, "We can give the woman. . . threeeee dollars. That's how much I want it to be on sale for." I'm telling you, I can't wait to take her shopping! ;)

Still Kissing and Packing Salmon To Boot!

Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 8:27pm

Well, apparently that kiss on the lips is not the only kiss Vaelyn and Shawn have shared! Her teacher the other day said that she kept having to make Vaelyn and Shawn stop holding hands during story time and that Shawn had kissed Vaelyn on the cheek. That makes at least two kisses. Thank heavens she's decided to wait until she's six to get married!!! We're going to have to talk to her about proper behavior with your fiancé though. She announced the other morning as she was getting ready for school, "I've got underwear in my backpack. It's for Shawn. It's mine." Fortunately, we caught that; however, a few days later, she proceeded to unpack her backpack in the car after daycare, taking out a can of salmon that she had brought for her snack! I don't know if daycare ever knew it was in there or not. I'm hoping not. I can't help but laugh every time I picture her pulling that can of salmon out of her backpack, matter-of-factly stating that it was for her snack but they didn't open it (or use it or whatever she said). Too funny! (Somewhat embarrassing, but very funny)!

Vaelyn's First Kiss

Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 6:00pm

Well, Vaelyn's already been kissed by a boy. She's been telling us that she has two boyfriends: Sean (Shawn?, Shaun?) and Shrimp. Turns out that "Shrimp's" name is really Trent. She's never heard that name before, but she has heard of shrimp, so she got his name wrong. He was the first boyfriend, and when she first came home saying that she had a boyfriend, she didn't know his name. Jayden told her that she had to know his name before she could marry him. Anyway, when Vaelyn told me about Shawn kissing her, she stopped for a second and matter-of-factly said, "He has cold ears." I told her maybe she might want to just not touch his ears. (WHAT have they been DOING?!!) Anyway, she has decided to wait until she's six to get married. Wow. That leaves me so much time for planning! ;)

She wrote Shawn a love note (scribble). She "read" it to me. The scribbles said: "Dear Shawn. Let's get married, but first we have to get rid of Trent." I can't remember anything after that because I think I was laughing so hard that I couldn't listen!!!

Vaelyn is so FULL of drama. She's throwing a fit now. You would think she's dying!!!! I'm getting really good at ignoring them. Sometimes when she throws a tantrum in the store, she'll tell us that she hates us, so I'll tell her she can shop for a new family if she likes, but she might want to behave a little better because all the good families are not going to want her if she acts like that. She always decides that she loves us after all. :) She, of course, knows that we would never leave her!

Which Teen Movie Teacher Are You?

Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 8:04pm

I took Classmates little quiz.

Here are my results:

"Mr. Keating | English teacher, Dead Poets Society
'I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way,' you say in your first class. That's how you help teens grow wise.

"In Dead Poets Society, John Keating is a classic romantic. He inspires his students to appreciate poetry and literature, and to embrace carpe diem—to seize the life-shaping opportunities of youth. Though his unorthodox approach to instruction upsets his school's traditions, Keating has a profound effect on his students' lives."

I guess I can live with that! The standing on the desk thing. . . well, yeah. . . if you know me, you could really see that happening if there were a desk sturdy enough to stand on. I've done some pretty crazy things in class. I can only hope that I have a "profound effect" on my students' lives. I'm sure that I affect them--I just hope it's in a good way! ;)

Nice Interruption

Monday, August 10, 2009 at 10:20pm

Today, I had to stop talking while I was passing out papers in one of my classes. The students' behavior would not allow me to continue. Sounds bad, doesn't it? I had to stop because every time I handed a student a paper, he or she would say, "Thank you," and I had to say, "You're welcome," so I couldn't address the class as a whole until I finished. What a nice reason to have to stop teaching! :) I have some pretty wonderful students this year. :)

Ding, Dong! The Parsnip's Dead!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at 9:35pm

Yesterday, I was fixing supper, and Vaelyn wandered into the dining room. Apparently, she found a fruit fly because next thing I know, she's ecstatic, saying, "I killed Parsnip! Yea! I knew I could do it. I had a plan, and it worked. I squashed him with the jelly jar." Great. "Daddy will be so proud of me!" Uh. . . not if he finds out that you got Parsnips guts on the jelly jar! Anyway, I guess her fascination with Parsnip is OVER! So much for the idea that if you name something, you've made it a pet, and you can't eat it! Okay, so we didn't eat (any of) Parsnip, to my knowledge, but she was quite happy to have killed what she had named.

Man, I guess I need to start paying more attention when she tells me she hates me. I thought it was just a stage that she's going through, but maybe I'd better watch out!!! ;)


It's funnier if you've read this post: "Vaelyn has more cousins than Jayden. That's what Jayden says because Vaelyn has a little fruit fly (somewhere) that she named Parsnip. ("He's so adorable!") She has made him her cousin, so now she has more cousins than Jayden does. Today, Parsnip's daddy got into the car. His name is Oh-see. She thinks he's handsome. I told her that I didn't agree."

So, she murdered FAMILY!!!


It blew my mind. Up to this point, every time I try to kill a fruit fly or mosquito, no matter where I am, she tells me, "Don't kill Parsnip!" Then she decides to smash his guts out herself!


July 11, 2009 at 3:59pm
Just read a poem today by Christina Rossetti about not killing things! Not even a fruit fly. Oh, dear. Discovered it all too late for Vaelyn! ;)

My Babies Are Growing Up!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at 10:03pm

Well, the night before last, Vaelyn threw her sleepy dance away. She started doing the sleepy dance while I was sitting on the side of her bed, and it shakes the whole bed, so I said something, and she picked it up and threw it away to give to a baby who needs it. She didn't do it again for the rest of the night--or the next night. Of course, this morning, she came and gave me a hug and crawled up next to me for a second and started a small version of the sleepy dance. I told her I thought she threw it away, and she told me that this was a new sleepy dance. It was, she said, taped to her bottom. She said something about her head and the sleepy dance was inside her. Then, she took this one and picked it up and threw it away too. She has also lost interest in Daddy Blankie. I don't even know where he is!!!

Tonight, Jayde wanted me to read Young Guinevere to him. I was reading along, and he said, "This story's not real." I told him he was right, and asked him how he knew. He told me that it had a unicorn in it. (It's kind of a different version of Guinevere!) I was so proud! It seems to me that I remember working with kids that age who wouldn't have been able to make that distinction!

All in all, I think we had a pretty good day today. I didn't get much of anything done, but the kids were pretty good today. Pretty calm too!

Dance like a Klingon

Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 10:24pm

My children have this habit of incorporating whatever they see or hear into their play. We've talked about death and dying some in preparation of our upcoming loss of their GiGi. We've explained that Phillip's daddy is dead, and that Grandpa's mommy and daddy are dead, and so on. Because of this, we hear our children playing with their stuffed animals or Vaelyn's dollhouse people, saying things like, "Your mommy is dead," etc. They seem to be working out solutions to deal with the characters' grief to some extent too. It's really quite impressive for their ages (5 1/2 and almost 4).

Anyway, sometimes they incorporate more pleasant things as well. Phillip was watching Star Trek: Next Generation tonight, and Worf was doing some Klingon exercises. (You know, the ones that look like tai chi). Anyway, Vaelyn started doing some crazy something and informed us that she was doing what he did. I forgot how she worded it. It was so cute! Anyway, I asked her if she was doing her Klingon war exercises. She said, "Yes." So I guess instead of doing her little ballerina spins, she was dancing like a Klingon. It's enough to make any mother's heart swell with pride. ;)

More about Daylights and Darklights

Sunday, May 3, 2009 at 9:03pm

Tonight, toothbrushing was a bit rough. That, of course, means Vaelyn was involved! She told Phillip she was going to squeeze out his daylights and put darklights in. I thought I was going to cry because it was so funny. Okay, it's not funny that she's totally not respecting her dad, but the whole daylights and darklights thing just cracks me up. I haven't had the heart to tell them yet that there's no such thing as darklights. Sad, huh?

Growling Is Not an Appropriate Response

Sunday, May 3, 2009 at 8:59pm

Jayden was wild today. I guess it's the weather or his antibiotic had him WIRED. Yes, I meant ALL CAPS kind of wired! ;) Anyway, I got tickled because Phillip was very matter-of-factly instructing Jayden that his behavior at that moment (much like most of the day today) was unacceptable. I heard him say, "Growling is not an appropriate response." I guess it was just so funny to hear that spoken so matter-of-factly. I'm sure it loses much in the translation!

I Found My Living Daylights!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 11:05pm

This morning, Jayden was sitting in his car seat, when he announced in a triumphant voice of enlightenment, "Hey, I think I just found my living daylights!"

A few minutes later, when the clouds blocked the sun, he said, "Or maybe it was my darklights."

He was so serious that I couldn't laugh.

I Hate It When. . .

Monday, April 13, 2009 at 9:38am

Vaelyn is so hilarious. She walked in the room and said, "And I hate it when someone takes my balloons and steps on them all and pops them all."

That was the beginning of the conversation. I have absolutely NO idea where that came from!!

My Baby's Growing Up!

Saturday, April 11, 2009 at 7:19pm

Thursday morning Vaelyn left Daddy Blankie on the couch after saying, "Bye bye, Daddy Bwankie. Have a good day, Daddy Bwankie!"

Wow! She doesn't need him anymore!!! This would be more amazing if you knew how Daddy Blankie happened to join our family. We were off shopping one day, and Vaelyn was exhausted, but we didn't have her blankie with us. We bought another one, which didn't work at all! Well, next thing we know, that blankie is her favorite, although we've only recently learned why. She has three blankies, and the last one's name varies a little. Like everything she named when she was little, they are named in variations of mommy, daddy, and baby Hilton. Her original blankie became Mommy Blankie because the bear's head is smaller, the new one became Daddy Blankie because that bear was larger. Then there is another blankie that changes back and forth from Vaelyn Blankie to Granny Blankie.

Oh, if you're wondering what is so special about Daddy Blankie that allowed him to usurp the original blankie: he rattles! The others squeak. Who knew!

That Thare Marketin' Stuff Relly Wurks!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 at 8:45pm

Vaelyn just informed her daddy as he tucked her in that babies like comfort-flex diapers and when she has babies she's going to buy them comfort-flex diapers.

There's another commercial that they both go around quoting, but I can't remember it right now. It's either Chlorox 2 or Tide--something about bright whites, I believe.

Oh. . . and Jayden has informed me that he wants me to buy him a pair of sketchers. I asked him what they look like or what's so special about them, and he can't even tell me! Then, he told me that I have to remind him that he wants them! You know, if I have to remind you that you want something, I don't think you really want it bad enough for me to pay WHATEVER price it might be!!!

I know, I know, I am just such a mean mom! You should hear me when Vaelyn cries! I tell her that it sounds fake (which it usually does) and tell her she needs to practice, so try again. Of course, I did that in the store one time, and she decided to very LOUDLY put out a very realistic cry, and everyone turned to look at us and caught me laughing while my child sounded like she was dying or hurting, so I told her kind of loudly that that crying sounded much more realistic. :)

At least it's never boring here! ;)

My Tangible Facebook

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at 7:18pm

I got tickled the other day because Vaelyn had a book in her hands and told me it was her "facebook." It's amazing sometimes how much attention they pay to tiny details! She was so serious when she said it!

Phillip is putting away the dresses that Vaelyn has gone through today and just remarked that it was interesting that Vaelyn wants to be all girly, girly, but she also wants to punch people.

Now, she's telling Phillip about termites and how they will eat and eat and get bigger and bigger and GIANT (here, she stands on tiptoes and makes a circular motion with her hands to show how giant). She is a RIOT!

The Avon Tigers????

Monday, April 6, 2009 at 7:38pm

Jayden wanted to wear his Auburn shirt to church Sunday. After church, I asked him what his shirt said. He looked down at the letters and lit up and said, "Avon!" I thought I was going to cry I laughed so hard. I didn't realize that Auburn and Avon both started with "A" and ended with "N"! I told him that it said "Auburn" and asked him what the other word said. It had a "T", a "G", and an "R". He looked at it and triumphantly said, "Tigers!" I still almost cry thinking about how funny it was!!!!!

Be Sure to Let Me Know If You Die

Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 8:50pm

Vaelyn said something a little while ago that totally sums up our day today. She was going potty for the last (I hope) time before she falls asleep, and she yelled back to Jayden, "Jayden, what are you doing?" (Catch phrase of the day!) Anyway, he told her he was just laying in his bed (Yes, I know that it should be lying, but laying is what he said). Then she asked him if he was touching anything. (I don't think there's much of anything left in the house that he hasn't touched today, including the ceiling, since he awakened at 5:00 a.m. this morning). Anyway, he said he wasn't touching anything. She replied, "Well, if you do, let me know if you DIE!"

You can see that we have had a very trying day with a child who has done things like pull the wires out of the wall from the old thermostat that THANK GOD was no longer HOT! One of the wires he pulled out was connected to a neat little bulb (think tiny cathode ray tube shape) that contains mercury, you know, the real, cool-behaving stuff. Anyway, we managed to discover his antics before he burst the tube.

This is just ONE of the incidents today. I think he was so wired that he couldn't even SEE straight! To my knowledge, there was no sugar involved either. And no allergy medicine. Unless he got into a stash of candy before 5 a.m. It didn't look like it though.

We won't even talk about the poor plastic snow globe that is no longer with us or the other couple of toys that met their untimely demise today.

Oh. . . and then there's what the toy spider did to Daddy's laptop key that will not go back in because someone chewed on the little plastic support and the little circle is either non-existent (which I doubt) or lost--the story keeps changing. aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

In short, I just wanted to make your day better by sharing some of mine!

Jayden's Solution to Growing Up Too Fast

Sunday, March 8, 2009 at 7:12pm

Jayden and Vaelyn don't have imaginary friends unless you count their multiple Jayden's and Vaelyn's that they proclaim they have. Anyway, the other day Jayden informed me that he killed all his Jayden's. I was a bit concerned over this proclamation, so I asked him why he killed all his Jayden's. He said that they were growing up too fast. Hmm. I think I'd better find a different solution to my babies' growing up too fast! ;)

God's Not in My Heart?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 11:37pm

This morning, Jayden informed me that God's not in his heart (or did he say tummy? Vaelyn says tummy) anymore. He then proceeded to tell me that there was more than one god/God and some were strong, etc. He continued saying that his teacher said this. I, of course, am quite sure throughout this all that he has gotten something confused and that his teacher at church (or even daycare) did not say there was more than one god/God. I thought at first that his teacher must have described God with several adjectives, and Jayden just didn't realize that they all went with the same entity. After further questioning, it comes down to this: we had a visiting preacher for a missions conference recently. He was a very learned man who could quote Hebrew, and he talked about some Hebrew words and ideas and some ancient gods the night that I attended. Phillip and the kids attended another service without me while I was working on my assignment for my grad classes, but there was no class for Jayden that night, so he had to go into the adult service. Anyway, I guess he got more out of it than you would think!

I think we now have him back on track with one God in his heart/tummy, but it was quite disconcerting to try to repair the damage. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to repair damage from a lengthy time with the wrong person or theology that was misunderstood, or just hanging around with the wrong friends for an extended time! Wow! Rearing children is so darn complicated! (It's also a lot of fun!) :)

You Can Go Now

Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 10:46pm

Thursday night, well, I guess it was really Friday morning, Jayden crawled into bed between me and Phillip. His daddy told him that he needed to go back to his bed (because his mommy was so tired so could not yet speak). Jayden pretended not to hear. A moment or so later, he told his daddy, "You can go now" in his most royal tone. That woke me up. I had to laugh. The moment simply cannot be recaptured to share, but I had to try. I wish you could have heard his voice.

Jayden's Version of Fired

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 7:21pm

>Jayden and Vaelyn were playing with their stuffed animals, one of which is a dragon, when I heard him say, "I have to go to the hospital. Dragon fired me." I am assuming that he meant that the dragon flamed him, but it was pretty funny to think of being fired and having to go to the hospital afterward.

Ha. Now he's in there saying, "Hospital woman, Boo-bah fired me" in a strange voice. Vaelyn responded that she was tired and wanted to take a nap. Now she's asking him his name and taking care of him. The whole nap thing was hilarious, though, because he was using such a convincing voice to show how severe his injury was!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 10:08pm

Apparently, our bath tub is a bit dull. Someone decided to decorate it with crayon! The artwork is lovely. I hate to clean it--actually, someone else is going to hate cleaning it. {evil laugh} I have never heard of anyone else's children drawing on the bathtub. Walls, yes. Oh. . . we also had one (probably the other one) draw on the van window while he was riding home from daycare one day. What can I say? There is NEVER EVER a dull moment here!

Hmm. . . wonder if Lysol will take the marker off the bedroom wall. Sometimes it works on desks and laminated posters. I think we'll try that tomorrow! It'd probably be easier if the wall was not one of those bumpy walls. :(

Girl Scout Cookies Fail to Motivate

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 9:59pm

Who would have thought that a Girl Scout cookie, a Thin Mint, no less, would fail to motivate???? Well, Vaelyn picked up a few toys, so I told her she could have one cookie, and she could have another one when she finished. She didn't want to go back and finish, so I explained that I had given her the cookie to motivate her. Her response, "It didn't motivate me." Judging from the chocolate on her face, she did enjoy it, even if it wasn't motivating!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 3:36pm

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! For those of you who have not yet found that special someone, I do remember many a Valentine's Day alone, spent hating the commercialization of a holiday that focuses on all the "happy" little couples that are not you and your honey. Then, Phillip decided we were supposed to get married and persistently mentioned it over and over and over and over on a daily basis. After much time inquiring what he really wanted from me, I finally decided that anyone that just wanted me to "Let me love you and treat you like a queen" wasn't such a bad prospect. ;) Anyway, he's exactly the one, true person who is perfect for me (although he is not quite perfect), and if I can find someone this wonderful, you can too! But let me save you some heartache: just wait for the right one. It's not worth dating the wrong person just to keep from being alone!!! I wish now that I had spent a few more Valentine's Days alone, rather than dating someone who was not the right person.

To be honest, it really seemed like much time, but I suppose it wasn't much time because Phillip and I never dated each other, and after he decided we should marry, it was less than two months before we actually married. Our actual engagement was a whopping six days long. (That's not something that I would suggest for just anyone. It could turn out very badly!)

One more note: we had known each other for almost three years by this time, and we had been best friends for quite some time, so it's not like we just jumped into marriage with someone we had just met. The beautiful thing is that we both knew the REAL person we were marrying not some projection of what that person thought we wanted to see. :)

Gone Are the Days!

Friday, February 13, 2009 at 9:46pm

You know, I remember a time when roses were always in bloom--at least at our house. Phillip used to keep me in roses when we first got married. Anyway, the roses that he brought home today. . . Jayden has informed me that they are to make the house pretty, that they are to share, and that they are only a little bit mine because they are for him so he can marry Leanne next year. NEXT YEAR!!!

I have no idea what makes my children obsessed with marriage, for those of you who are wondering! I was thinking that maybe they were less interested because Vaelyn hadn't mentioned it for about a week and Jayden even longer, but I guess I was wrong! Maybe Phillip and I are just such a model couple that our children can't wait to marry one day so they can live happily ever after with their soul mates. ;) Maybe.

BTW, speaking of Phillip, not only do I have roses and a gift, he also made a roast, so I had dinner, and I didn't have to do a thing--not even the dishes! He also put the kids to bed. (That is part of why I have been able to take two 8-week-long grad classes at a time without completely losing my mind. DISCLAIMER: If you will note, I DID say COMPLETELY). ;)

Vaelyn: Tongues are NOT for Kissing

Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 8:51pm

Vaelyn came up to me tonight, pointing to her tongue and telling me that it hurt. This was one of the many times when I couldn't tell quite what she wanted, so I (figuring I already knew the answer) asked her if she wanted me to kiss it. She firmly replied with this edict: Tongues are NOT for kissing. She then continued to express the distastefulness of tongue kissing. I am so relieved that I don't have to worry about that one! ;)

25 Random Things About Me

Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 10:27pm

I suppose number 0 should be that I am the High Queen of Procrastination! :)

1. I want to be a cartoon voice when I grow up.
2. I'm never going to grow up.
3. I'm actually very shy.
4. In high school, I used to cry when I looked in the mirror because I thought I was so ugly.
5. I'm very good at making up crazy songs at a moment's notice.
6. Phillip and I never dated; in fact, we were only engaged for 6 days.
7. I'm terribly camera-shy.
8. I don't like math.
9. I have an uncanny ability to get lost--my record is taking 2 hours to arrive at a destination 15 minutes away.
10. I'm directionally dyslexic--maybe it's just because I'm left-handed.
11. I worked as a security guard.
12. I worked at a television station managing their website.
13. I LOVE to sing.
14. I really enjoy taking pictures.
15. I adore my children.
16. Phillip and I met at church.
17. The first time Phillip brought me roses (a dozen red and white), I called him a jerk. (Hey, we were just supposed to be friends, and I couldn't think of anything to say!)
18. I wore burlap in a play. (It STINKS and is VERY scratchy).
19. I got to shake hands with both Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush.
20. I hope to actually publish one of my stories (or maybe that NaNoWriMo novel) one day.
21. I hope to go on a mission trip one day.
22. Life goes better with music--if you close your eyes while you're listening, you can soar on the music.
23. I would love to live in an Victorian style house one day--with huge closets, tons of outlets, and ethernet connections everywhere!
24. I love watches. I could have a hundred and still look for more!
25. I kind of miss acting, although I really enjoy directing.

Bonus: I believe it is only by the grace of God that I'm alive today. I've gone through so many times that have made me want to give up, but each time God has sustained me. I am now at a place in my life where I am content that God knew what he was doing when He made me. I am so blessed that He brought Phillip into my life and gave us our two beautiful children.

Kids Draw the Darnedest Things

Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 9:02pm

Well, Jayden has drawn a lot of little things on the back of his worksheets at daycare. I'm probably the proudest of the UFO's, although he did do a great job on his Mommy and Daddy portraits. One day recently when I picked him up, I was clueless as to what his drawing was supposed to represent, so I had to ask very carefully because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Well, I NEVER would have guessed what it was supposed to be a drawing of!!! The small portion, he told me, was the ear. The giant portion that looked like a mountain was the ear plug! Hmm. . . no, I didn't use the ear plugs that I had left over from my CAWS Teacher Exchange week the other day while I was trying to read for my grad classes with two kids and a husband in the house. I don't know what you're talking about! (By the way, if I had tried that, I would have had to play MP3's on my computer at the same time to finish blocking out the noise!!)

Request or Demand?

Sunday, January 11, 2009 at 5:02pm

Phillip and the kids have been making fettucine (once I got Jayden's nosebleed to stop and got him all cleaned up while I hid my panic--I HATE it when he gets one because it scares me so bad!) Anyway, I think that they are just waiting for the noodles to be done because they've already made the sauce. Phillip came back into the living room to check something on his computer for a minute, and Vaelyn called from the kitchen, "Daddy, can you come cook with us?!" but her tone was so demanding that it really wasn't a request. I wish you could hear it through the computer. (Of course, it was already over before I knew she was going to do it). :(

Jayden, My Little Sci-Fi Guy

Friday, January 9, 2009 at 11:37pm

Today, on the back of his coloring sheet and letters from daycare, Jayden informed me that he drew spaceships. I'm so proud. These are his first spaceships!

I Really Do Love Jayden Too

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 8:32pm

For those of you who are wondering why most of my posts are about Vaelyn's anctics:

1. With grad classes, full-time teaching, and full-time mommyhood, I have no life of my own! ;)
2. Vaelyn is VERY DRAMATIC, so a lot of what she does is just hilarious because EVERYTHING if of the utmost importance.
3. Jayden is much more calm and just doesn't get into as much trouble as Vaelyn does. When he does get into trouble, there's usually nothing funny about it!

So. . . here's a little about Jayden that's not funny. :)

1. Jayden can finish hammering a nail into a board straight after it is started (only minimally) for him. He doesn't hit his fingers either.
2. Jayden sat through a very large portion of the service Sunday and two LONG prayers very well. Then, the children got to go to children's church.
3. Jayden is very dexterous. He can just pick things up and figure out how they go together. Unfortunately, something that goes along with this is a desire to know how everything works, which involves taking almost everything apart, which leads to a LOT of broken toys, etc. I have tried explaining that almost everything will come apart one way or another, but not everything goes back together!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Jayden can recognize several words (so can Vaelyn), and he has been able to spell his name since he was 2 1/2 or 3. (Vaelyn still doesn't always spell hers right--she wants a D in the middle like Jayden has sooooo badly that she usually adds one herself).
5. Jayden doesn't really like to draw, but Mommy has convinced him that "drawing his letters" is fun, and now he is writing his name and able to write all his letters, whereas before, he wouldn't even try, saying he couldn't.
6. Jayden is already quite compassionate for a five-year-old. He has such a beautiful heart.

Don't Worry! I Know How to Get My Toy Back

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 8:37pm

Jayden and Vaelyn were fussing (LOUDLY) over a toy in the back of the van today while I was driving home in the rain. I told them if they were going to keep fighting over the toy that I just might give it away to Nathan or Sam. That didn't bother Vaelyn in the least. Then I added "or Elianna." She replied, "Elianna's a girl," like that negated her chances of being the worthy recipient. I said, "So?" and Vaelyn countered that she couldn't marry Elianna because she is a girl. After about a second, I realized her train of thought: I'm going to marry Nathan or Sam anyway, so I'll still have my toy!

Now, how to explain that by the time she's old enough to marry, she'll no longer care about said toy!!

Change in Vaelyn's Marriage Plans

Friday, January 2, 2009 at 8:12pm

Well, I hate it for Sam, but Vaelyn has now decided that she's going to marry his brother, Nathan.

Of course, she still has to graduate to big girl underwear before she can get married! Unfortunately, we're still working on that. Latest piece of information: I think we're giving her too much attention (even if it is negative) when she potties in her diaper and not enough for the toilet. We were giving a TON of attention for the toilet. Of course, I've read that is not good either. I even tried forcing her to wear big girl underwear, which she proceeded to potty in, followed by the second pair too! I've told her that I'm tired of diapers, and I'm not changing any more--even made her change her own. She is so darn stubborn! She only wants to potty in the toilet AFTER we've tucked her into bed. Then, she'll have to go 4 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I've promised dance classes (which she's very interested in) if she'll just graduate to big girl (princess, Strawberry Shortcake, and Dora) underwear!

Jayden: Back to Normal :)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 12:49am

No more pain medication for Jayden. :) Now, we're just dealing with the mysterious leg pain and fever that have appeared after his shots today. I'm trying not to FREAK--moderately successfully. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if one of the shots wasn't for polio! It's not the live vaccine, and reactions are very rare, AND this is not one of the side effects listed for adverse reactions. . . Man, life is so darn complicated after having children--every time you turn around there's something else to stress you!!! Of course, there are also those precious moments that melt it all away too. :)

Jayden Post-surgery

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 11:26pm

You know, I thought that things were going great. Jayden was singing Christmas songs the day after surgery. (He is his mother's child! :) I sang the day after having my wisdom teeth removed). We adjusted the dose of the medicine as the surgeon said we could so that it was lasting from dose to dose. He was cuddly, but playing. Things were great. We made it through the "worst day" just fine. Then, that night he woke up a little before time for his 2:30 a.m. pain medication. He was crying. . . no, that's not the right word. . . it was more like sobbing almost hysterically. Like a child might after a horrible nightmare. He was crying so hard that we couldn't understand what he was saying (ever). We tried to calm him down and get him to drink a sip of pedialyte (or ANYTHING), but it was so hard to get his sleepy little brain to comprehend that if he would drink, it would make his throat moist again and help with the pain. In fact, we had trouble getting him to remember that his pain medicine (which, apparently, tastes bad) would make things better. We had to watch him sob and shake like he had a really high fever or extreme pain, while we frantically sent up silent prayers that were really more of a psychic emotional plea than coherent requests. It was AWFUL! Then at 6:15 a.m., it was pretty bad again. The rest of the day was pretty much fine. We thought that maybe the worst day was just a little delayed for us. Nope. I guess it's just going to be the nightly thing for now. I think his sipping all through the day helps prevent it during the day, and the fact that he is waking up in pain and scared makes the night worse. I still think we did the right thing--he can already breathe so much better! But I'll be so glad when this is OVER.

And what happened to all the sleeping the nurses said he would do? I thought I might get SOMETHING accomplished. All I've managed is to sneak in a lot of cuddle time with my boy before he outgrows it! (Don't get me wrong, that's wonderful, but I could really use a little time to get caught up on the million and one things I'm behind in!!!)

Vaelyn's Marriage Plans

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 10:56pm

Well, Vaelyn is a little less fascinated with marriage; however, I did happen to overhear her playing in her room. She said, "Are you my husband? What's your name?" I suppose we're going to have to clarify that you absolutely MUST know your husband's name before you get married. Both first and last (since women tend to take their husbands' last names). We've already explained that you have to potty and poop in the toilet ALL the time and wear big girl underwear. I can't wait to see what our next rule about marriage is! ;)

The Kids' Prayers

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 11:19pm

Yesterday on the way home, Vaelyn asked God to make her tummy better. She said that He said "just a minute." Then Jayden asked God to help the people involved in the wreck that was shortly (in a long sort of way) in front of us and said that God said "just a minute" because He was fixing Vaelyn's tummy. Anyway, when Vaelyn got home, I asked her how her tummy felt, and she smiled and said that it was all better. It was so sweet. I'm afraid it sort of loses something in the translation!

Reading in French

Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 9:42pm

The other night Jayden asked me to read one of the kids' little books in French. I tried to explain that Mommy doesn't really know much French, but he didn't believe me since I can pick up pretty much any of their books and "read" it in Spanish. (I picked up a postcard from the USPS about priority mail and "read" Vaelyn a really sweet Christmas story in Spanish a couple of nights ago). Anyway, I was stuck reading French, so. . . I took the book, smiled sweetly and began in my sweet reading-for-preschool-children voice to count in French, turning a page after saying each number. I got through about three pages before I was corrected: "No, Mommy, READ it!" He started to take the book away. I pulled it back and began again the same way, and we started laughing. Then we got to the last page with Lady and Tramp and the puppies, and I said, "Oh, wait. Mommy can do this page. Le mere, Le pere, les bebes," while pointing at the drawing for each. (I'm not sure the les bebes is right. Now I think it's something like les enfantes, but hey. It worked!) ;) It was almost as good as my great idea when I needed the kids out of the kitchen a couple of weeks ago. I told them to go count how many times the Christmas tree blinked. Would have worked great, except about 60 seconds later, Vaelyn laughed and said, "Mommy trees don't blink. People blink. You're silly." I forgot that our blinker bulb burned out, so our lights are solid. I tried to compensate by telling them to count how long it stayed lit, but that, apparently, just didn't sound as fun. :'(

I'm telling you: it's never boring around here!

Vaelyn's Wedding

Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 8:53pm

Vaelyn has decided that she is marrying Sam, not Nathan. Anyway, she's decided that since he's not married and doesn't have a girlfriend, it's a done deal. Of course, I keep reminding her that she can't marry until she potties and poops in the toilet all the time and wears big-girl underwear! Sam's mommy is really hoping for a much later wedding! I figure I can milk this for all it's worth. We'll use it as potty-training motivation, then motivation to attend school, then we'll head up to the driver's license, graduation, college graduation, grad school, etc. Maybe we can push it until she's about 30! (By then, I'll be half-dead!) ;) (Okay, I'll only be about 65).

What Letter Does Your Soulmate's Name Start With? Results

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 12:25am

Result: The Letter J
Possibly (but not limited to) Jacob, Jack, Jacqueline, James, Jade or Jaime.

Bonus fortunes:
You will meet each other in: January.
Your honeymoon will be in: Jacksonville, Florida.
Your life together will be: joyful.
Your friends will be: jealous.
Okay. . . Phillip doesn't start with J, but we did meet in January! We also married in January. (A different January, in case you're wondering!) And our life together has been joyful (with a few tiny moments of exception), and some of my friends are jealous. ;)

Hmm. . . everything they chose started with J. What would they have written for the other answers to go with P? What month starts with P???? Your life will be peachy and your friends with be pithy? (Alas, when I start getting all Shakespeare-y, I know it's time for bed!!!) Adieu, adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow. . . and run, run, as fast as a squirrel, you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread girl. (Who is it who writes all these sexist stories anyway?!)

No Right Answer

Friday, October 24, 2008 at 9:52pm

In one of the graduate classes I just finished, our first posting on Blackboard was to discuss what the policy concerning the death of a student was in our school system. Well, I have been fortunate in that it has been a very long time since I have been working at a school that lost a student during the school year. I don't think we have a policy regarding how this issue to be dealt with. I couldn't find one. Working in Cullman County has its advantages here. We aren't in the Huntsville stations' DMA, and we're a good distance from Birmingham (which has plenty of other news to cover), so no one wants to bother sending a truck down for a small story. I guess that allows us some measure of privacy that other systems do not have. Anyway, that assignment caused me to pay greater attention to the news coverage concerning Falkville's loss this week. I really didn't like the coverage that I saw anywhere. Do you know why? There is no right way to cover something like this. It never should have to have been covered because it's just not something that is meant to happen!!!! The stations that just did a brief reader. . . well, if you look at it from the point of view of the people who knew and loved this girl, that wasn't enough. It made her whole life worth less than 30 seconds! The station that packaged her life. . . well, that just wasn't right either. It. . . I don't know. . . I didn't like that there appeared to be a trace of a smile on your face when the anchors tossed to you. A teenager's dead, and you just covered it like you would any other live shot that intros a package. You did, however, allow that her life merited a package, but still. . . it's not enough. Then, if you totally ignored the news, you've made it appear that she didn't matter at all. What none of the viewers realize is that the only reason you covered the story at all is because she killed herself on campus.

At any rate, I am devastated. My heart aches immensely for the family and friends left behind. I did not know Emily. I'm not even sure if I was acquainted with her family, although there is a good chance that I went to school with some of her family. I ache for the faculty and staff at the high school. I ache for the teacher who allowed Emily to leave class to go to the restroom and now mistakenly blames him or herself. I'm not quite sure why I am so devastated. Perhaps it's because I have experienced two suicides from "those left behind" point of view. Perhaps it is because I know what it's like to have been insecure and hurting inside so badly that you feel you can't go on and pray to die. Perhaps it's because I have this unusual ability to sense the pain of others. Perhaps it's because some of Emily's friends believe she was not a Christian. Whatever the reason, the aching is no less.

I have no more to say because there are no words to lessen the tragedy nor replace the brief beauty of a girl I never met: a girl named Emily.

Wedding Clothes

Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 10:17pm

Jayden informed me the other day that he was going to marry Leann. (Surprising since it's Katelynn who kissed him). Anyway, now he and Leann have decided on their wedding outfits. Jayden will be wearing his Spiderman costume (the black-suited Spiderman costume), and Leann will be wearing her Cinderella costume (which will probably look better than her red Power Ranger costume)! That should cut costs a little, I suppose! ;)

Vaelyn was a bit miffed because she's still at the stage where she doesn't quite understand why she can't marry her brother. She has decided that she will marry Nathan instead. He's a little younger, but I guess that's okay. Nathan doesn't know yet! Vaelyn has not yet decided on her wardrobe, but I'm sure it will involve a dress that comes at least to her knees and pretty shoes!

Fighting by Myself

Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 10:13pm

Jayden must have missed his sister today. On the way from daycare to pick up his sister, he began this conversation:
"Poopy diaper Jayden."
"Stop it, Vaelyn!"
This was repeated several times. You would think with just one child in the van, I wouldn't have to listen to fighting!

Of course, she missed him yesterday, and had to eat breakfast on his dish and use his fork (or spoon). (She was home with her dad, and I don't remember what she ate!)

Princess Tomboy

Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 2:41pm

I have no idea where--unless via commercials--Vaelyn knows Hannah Montana on sight. She pointed out Hannah Bah-tanna stuff in the store yesterday. Anyway, we were re-enacting a scene from a Mrs. Spider video with the crazy grub who says "that there's a SNAAAAAAKE EGG," and it let to a discussion about the little garter snake that Uncle John had as a kid, and Vaelyn decided that she wanted. . . a Hannah Bah-tanna snake!!! Who says you can't have the best of both worlds?! ;)

Feeling Kind of Old

Monday, September 22, 2008 at 6:42pm

On the way home today, we were discussing the kids' ages, since Jayden has a birthday soon. Then I asked them how old I was, and they started their guesses with 5. Sounds great so far, doesn't it? Well, we went through number by number (for the most part), and stopped at. . . um. . . well. . . 38. Then Jayden informed me that he was 3028 or 3083? Anyway, wow! That would make me like 4000!

No More Superheroes

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 9:49pm

Today, Jayden and Vaelyn (yet again) told me that they wanted a baby. Reason this time? They need someone to be Ice Man. They can't play Spiderman and Friends without Ice Man!! Can we say no more X-Men, no more League of Justice, and certainly no Brady Bunch or Partridge Family?!!! These two are quite enough to keep me busy for a while!!

Someone Loves Jayden

Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 9:07pm

Jayden was kissed by his first girl today. As we were coming home from school/daycare/granny's today, Jayden told me, "Katelynn kissed me today." I was amused and said, "Really? Did you kiss her back?" He told me no, he couldn't. Come to find out, kissing is not allowed in their class. (Imagine that!) Anyway, as our conversation continued, I asked him what Miss Ashley said, and he told me that he didn't kiss Katelynn, so I clarified it for him, "No. What did she say to Katelynn?" He said, "Nothing." "Nothing?" I replied. It seems that Miss Ashely did not see the life-changing moment. Katelynn, however, was not without words. Before she kissed him, she said, "I love you, Jayden." Four years old and already in love--or breaking hearts one! I doubt it's breaking hearts because there are two names I hear all the time. Jayden's two best buddies are Katelynn and "Baby" Joel (who is also four). Man, I hope they are in his class next year for kindergarten! (To be honest, I do hear a couple other names almost daily, but not usually in a favorable light!)

My baby's growin' up!!!

Someone Still Loves China

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 10:50pm

Vaelyn got a new toy tonight. Well, to be accurate, it was quite a few toys all in one box: toy food. She came to the kitchen with the "french fries", which she had pulled out of the fry holder and asked my what it said on them while I was cooking dinner. I looked at them and (BIG SURPRISE) it said "MADE IN CHINA." I read it to her, and she repeated it like that was the coolest thing. (That part TOTALLY loses something in translation! She's so dramatic that there is no way to portray her enthusiasm with anything less the video or actual witnessing of the moment!!) Anyway, then she asked me, "Did you go to China and buy this for me?" I, of course, had to reply, "No," with a smile. Then she asked, "Did you wear those shoes to China?" Of course, I told her no and reminded her that I didn't go to China. She sounded a little disappointed. A little while later, when Phillip came in from outside, she enthusiastically told him that her new toys were from China, and later, when she spoke to her granny on the phone for a minute, she had to tell her that she got new toys, and they were from China. Somewhere in the midst of all this, she or Jayden one asked if China was far away.

Anyway, you'd think that the toys were Olympic gold medals for all the enthusiasm she showed! :) Hey, and all for a measly $5. Oooh. . . and the best thing: it keeps her busy having picnics in the floor while I'm cooking! :) :) :)

Uncle John's Tattoos

Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 9:27pm

I was explaining to Jayden this morning that if he doesn't leave Peter Parker alone, he's going to bite a hole in him. He didn't believe the biting a hole part, so I had to explain how Uncle John got bitten by our dog when he was a little boy, and had to go and have three stitches in his lip because it left a hole. Anyway, Vaelyn got all excited and said, "I know how Uncle John got his tattoos." I, of course, knew this was going to be good and asked her what she thought. She said because he was "very, very, very good at the hospital." Well, I guess I wasn't very good at the hospital any of the times that I have been because I have NO tattoos. The hospital does sound like a safe place to get them though! ;)

School Rules (According to Vaelyn)

Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 11:07am

Vaelyn is playing school. She, of course, is the teacher (as always). She's practicing, so she'll be ready for her role (as STUDENT).

Anyway, here are her rules:

Step 1: Never let your teacher get dead.
Step 2: Protect your teacher.
Then it's story time!

These are the BEST rules I've ever seen! I think I'll use them in my class this year--at least, the FIRST TWO! :)

Sad, Sad Shawn

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 at 10:37pm

I stopped by Vaelyn's day care today even though she wasn't there because I had to deliver some Avon to the workers. Mrs. Leslie, Vaelyn's teacher, told me that the kids have asked about her all week. (It's only Tuesday, but I'm sure Mrs. Leslie has probably already had a long week!) ;) Anyway, poor Shawn the Betrothed is distraught. He says he's not going to Vinemont or Cold Springs or West Point; he's going to Decatur! (Of course, that's not the name of the elementary school Vaelyn will attend, but it's still cute!) Alas, the pangs of young love! Poor, poor Shawn.

Vaelyn's Wedding Reception

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 at 10:29pm

Vaelyn is apparently working on the menu for her wedding reception. It's a whole 11 years off, so the menu may change, but so far, I know there will be mac and cheese. She says that Eli (Phillip's cousin Lynn's husband) will be there and that he's going to eat mac and cheese.

I guess at Paw Paw's funeral was the first time that the kids have met Eli. They loved him. The funny thing is people tell me that he doesn't really like kids. I thought he was great with them.

Spanish: Jeff Foxworthy Style

Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 9:02 pm


That's pronounced. . . a cob-o, like a cob o' corn. . .de, like day's some tater bugs up under them rocks. . .perder, like you gots a nice pair dare of bird dogs, Cleetus. . . el, like (oh, dear, we might better leave that one out). . .juego, like whatchew tell dem darn stray dogs that come up on yer front porch, "go. . . way. . . go."

There you go. . . Spanish Jeff Foxworthy style. ;)

And you still lost the game. If you are not familiar with the game, visit, or simple read the rules below:

Rule 1: You are playing The Game.

Rule 2: Every time you think about The Game, you lose.

Rule 3: Loss of The Game must be announced.

Your mind has just been infected with the the world's most infamous mind virus.
The aim of The Game is to forget that The Game itself exists.
The aim of is to infect the entire world!

Welcome! :)

Nails in My Brain

Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 9:10 p.m.

Vaelyn informed me that the other night she had trouble sleeping. She couldn't sleep ALL NIGHT. I asked her why, and she told me because (I am losing soooo much in the translation here!) because of my fingernails. Because they were in her brain. To make matters even funnier, we've been studying The Crucible in my English classes. Let me just say that I am VERY relieved that it's not 1692!!!

She took my fingernails and threw them out of her brain that next day, so that was no longer a problem. The next night, her Tinkerbell clock kept her awake ALL NIGHT with its noise. Now, she has complained about the clock before, and I took it out. The next night, though, I had to put it back because she couldn't sleep without it!

Dreaming While Wide Awake

Wednesday, March 19, 2010 at 7:58 pm

Vaelyn has just BURST out of her room. "Okay, I just had the strangest dream! And it's not finished yet!" (Of course, it hasn't STARTED YET BECAUSE SHE HASN'T BEEN ASLEEP YET!!)

Daddy came and picked her up from daycare, but it was lunch time, so she to eat first. The dream's name is apparently, "Flicker's Pantry." The middle is named "middle" and then "daycare."

Don't ask. . . I HAVEN'T CLUE.