Thursday, August 04, 2011

Zombies from God?

So Vaelyn's decided that God probably made zombies because some people missed their loved ones so much that they still wanted to have them around. I'm speechless--and that doesn't happen much. She told me this while I was eating. I did, thank goodness, manage not to choke! ;)

I posted that as my Facebook status, as I do so very many other things my children do/say. My sister commented on it, saying: "I don't think I want my loved ones around while dead, smelling of decaying flesh, and trying to eat everyone's brains."  That (and the fact that I don't think God really makes zombies) set me to thinking.  Here are my thoughts:

Many times we ask God for things, and many times we become frustrated with Him because we don't get what we ask for.  Well, there are at least two reasons for that.  

One:  We ask for things that are not right/good for us or are dangerous for us.  We are like children in the scheme of the whole world.  There are a lot of things out there that we just don't know or understand.  My children would love to have things like a rattlesnake or a pet wolf or. . .   It would not be wise (nor good parenting) for me to let them have these things.  Therefore, I must say no.  I know they are disappointed that I won't let them have what they want, but I simply cannot give them these things.  

Two (which is where the zombies come in):  We ask for things badly.  Do you remember the story "The Monkey's Paw"?  Well, the family gets three wishes.  The first thing they wish for is 200 pounds, which they receive, but soon wish they had not because the 200 pounds comes from their son's employer after he is killed on the job.  After some days, the mother is still desolate (I mean, who wouldn't be?)  She asks her husband to go get the monkey's paw and wish their son back to life.  The husband tells her that their son's death and the subsequent 200 pounds was just a coincidence, but she will hear none of that.  In an effort to convince the wife that it's of no use, he tells her that their son's body was mangled beyond all recognition; he was only able to identify the body by the clothes their son had been wearing.  The wife is relentless, however, and convinces her husband to make the wish.  They think it was all for nothing because they wait for a long time before they hear a knock at the door.  The wife then realizes that their son has had to walk the two miles from the cemetery, so he was unable to knock immediately after they made their second wish.  Now, the story is unclear in this detail because neither of the parents actually gets to see their son, but. . . we're going to go with the dad's fear here instead of the mother's hope.  The dad comes to believe that the son is alive but still has the same body, mangled beyond recognition.  You see?  He asked amiss.  He didn't say what he meant.  He assumed that the "spirit" (not the letter) of his wish would be understood.  He didn't ask for his son to be healed and return to life.  He didn't ask for a new body for his son.  He merely asked that his son be alive again.  He ended up regretting his wish so greatly that he used his third (and last) wish to wish his son back to death.  What a terrible, heartbreaking thing to have to wish!  You see, sometimes we ask for things that really aren't at all what we want.  God saves us from this poor family's plight by denying our request because He knows that what we asked for is not at all what we need or sometimes even want.  I mean, there are a lot of things that I thought I wanted in life that really weren't what I wanted or needed at all.  God knew that.  God knows that we don't want our loved ones walking around, stinking of decaying flesh and trying to eat our brains.  I'm so grateful that God says "no" sometimes.  :)

Friday, July 08, 2011

A New Torture for Dante's Inferno

I have, with Vaelyn's help, discovered a new torture for Dante's Hell.  For those people who never had children and scorn the imperfections of those exhausted elite who have chosen or had parenthood thrust upon them, this new torture involves putting a small child to bed.  The small child will resist sleep perpetually, getting up every few moments to bestow a loving hug upon the torturee.  The torturee must also incorporate no corporal punishment whatsoever, but must continue to lovingly place the child into bed, tucking him/her in gently and patiently each time.  About five or ten minutes later (never at the same interval, so as to catch the torturee off guard), the child will creep out for another hug, look up into the torturee's face with an innocent look of devotion and say, "I love you."  The torturee will then repeat the procedure of putting the child to bed over and over and over and over in a perpetual loop.  The exhausted elite, however, should they be unable to enter Heaven, will be immune to this torture and, thus, require a different punishment.  In fact, currently, no torture to which the exhausted elite are not immune has been found.  They do, surprisingly, tend to go mad if exposed to prolonged periods of absolute silence and peacefulness.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Costa Rica Blog

Okay, not sure if this will work or not, but. . . it says if I post this code in here, you will be able to see my Costa Rica blog from here.  Well, here goes. . . that didn't work, so we'll just do it the hard way!

Here's the link:

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Waiting for the Light

I can’t wait to see what good God brings out of this storm.  I know that He’s going to bring good out of it because He says He will: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28, ESV).  If you’re wondering if you are one of those “called according to his purpose”, check this out:  Jeremiah 29:11 says this, “For I know that plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (ESV).  God has a plan for you.  Not only does he have a plan for you, that plan includes a future and, best of all, a hope.  He knows the plans that he has for you as well, so he hasn’t forgotten you.  He has also “called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9, ESV).
Now, it might seem dark now.  You might feel shattered and overwhelmed, but His plans for you include a future, a hope, and glorious light.  Trust Him.  Pick up the shattered pieces and let God put them back together.  It doesn’t matter that it seems some of the pieces don’t fit together anymore.  In fact, it’s even better if they don’t!  Each time a piece is missing, there’s a space for his glorious light to shine through.
You feel like you have no power?  Step into the light!  That’s our real source of power.
You may have praised Him before the storm, and you may have praised him during the storm, but let’s take it to a new level AFTER the storm!  I don’t know about you, but I’m going to step into His glorious light and let Him stream through the recompiled shards of all that I thought was once important.  I wanna be so full of HIM that I glow in the dark!

--Composed at around midnight (until 1:00 a.m.) on Sunday, May 1, 2011 after the round of tornados that demolished much of Alabama

Friday, April 22, 2011

Okay, so I was considering watching The Passion of the Christ with the kids, but thought that might be too much for them, and an especially bad idea right before bedtime, so I chose Titan AE instead. I've had the movie since before either one of them was born, but never opened it, so tonight, we opened it! (Well, I opened it; thus, the case is still usable!)

Anyway, we cleaned up the living room, and they got jammies on. I sat down on the couch and stretched my legs out in my "movie-watching with the kids" pose. Jayden quickly got up into my lap in his favorite cuddle spot, while Vaelyn had a minor fit that we weren't watching Scooby Doo.

I finally got Vaelyn back in the room for a second: "Oh, how sweet! The Daddy just wanted to keep his little boy safe!" I convinced her to watch just a minute or two of the movie, and if it wasn't good, she could leave. (I know. . . I'm a terrible mom for manipulating my child into watching television! Phillip is working on the roof of the little addition he built off the den and needed space). Anyway, Jayden (on his own) told Vaelyn he would cuddle with her if she would be good, so he made her a spot. So. . . he was in my lap, sitting on my legs with his legs stretched out, and Vaelyn was beside him, a little lower, stretched out with her head leaning on his shoulder. And I. . . I couldn't reach the darn camera for anything. Once I finally did, the battery was dead! I got my cell phone, but by that time, Vaelyn sat up, and I had to re-create the pose.

Now, why, you may ask was this such a photo-worthy moment? Because they can NEVER share my lap! It ALWAYS ends in pushing and whining and crying and tattling (when I'm right there seeing and FEELING the whole thing!) Jayden volunteered to share with her, and we cuddled like that for almost the whole movie. Another thing that makes it a special moment is that Vaelyn just doesn't cuddle for long--at least, not with me. That's probably because her brother is there first, but still, this was probably the longest stretch of cuddling I've had from Vaelyn since she learned to walk!

Anyway, it made my whole week! It was just so sweet. So now, I'm using my blog to try to preserve the moment. :) It was so worth putting the laptop away and not working on the countless things that I still need to accomplish before Monday!

Oh, and about the movie: There was even place where a character gave his life to save the others. It was a great Good Friday movie. :)

The cell phone picture.  Notice that Baby Girl has to ham it up,
and Jayden doesn't want his picture taken!

A Sacrifice of Love

Okay. . . didn't I say that I found a folder of old writings?  Well, I've been going through them, and most of them are still powerful, so they're zapping me all over again!  Here's one for today.  Remember, today is Good Friday, and Easter is just around the corner.

August 5, 1996
I had always thought that it would take a lot of love and sacrifice to wash someone’s feet with your tears, and dry them with your hair.  Then I learned that because sandals were worn in Jesus’ time, dust and manure could be, and probably were, caked on His feet.  I thought that was bad enough, but then I learned that they didn’t shower every day like we do.  It could be a year before that woman got to wash all of that out of her hair.  What love!
But that love pales in comparison to a far greater love.  You see, Jesus loved us enough to wash us not with his tears and hair, and not our feet only.  He loved us enough to wash our whole being with his very blood.  The Son of God loved us enough to wash us with His blood.  I stand in awe and wonder at the God who loved me enough to die so that He could wash away my filthy sin in the purity of His precious blood.  May I never take His blood for granted!

--Originally written August 5, 1996

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

At the Foot of the Cross

Okay, this is not something new. In fact, it's really pretty old now, but it's on my heart again because it was written shortly before Easter back when I originally wrote it. It's from 1992 or 1993. March. It was originally written to be read in a church service. Let me know what you think. Here you go:

Well, God knew you were going to be here today. In fact, He worked everything out so that you WOULD be here today, because He wants to tell you something if you will open your heart and listen. God loves you! He picked out EVERY characteristic about you out of the millions of characteristics possible. He chose all of them just for YOU because they were required for His perfect plan for your life. And, not only did he hand-pick your personality, physical appearance, emotions, etc., He also planned exactly when you would be born. Out of all the centuries, decades, years, and minutes, He chose the EXACT moment that you were born. And He knows every heartache you will feel, every disappointment, every failure—and He knows every time you will break His heart. And He still loves you. In fact, He knows the worst thing you will ever do, and still loves you and desires to have a relationship with you SO much that He sent His holy, perfect, SINLESS son to die the cruelest death imaginable, for you. And His son agreed to do it. He died because He LOVES you. And we forget the price He paid for us. And we break His heart again and again and again and again. He hung on a cross, splinters digging into His torn-apart back, blood pouring from His body, His disciples at His feet. They didn’t understand. Some of them were crying, “Lord, is this all there is?! We had hoped your were the one.” –And those were the ones who had stayed. His mother was there, looking up with tears streaming down her face, sobbing as her hear breaks in two.

Then there were the guards. They were laughing and mocking Him. And He looked them in the eye as if to say, “Don’t you understand, this blood is for you? I am the sacrifice for your bloodguiltiness. You aren’t taking my life. I’m giving it in your place because I love you.” And no one understood. But He didn’t back down. He didn’t give up. He could have stopped and said, “No!!!!!! I won’t do it! They don’t understand!” But He set His face and went on.

And here we are at the foot of His cross. A drop of blood falls onto one of the guards. He wipes it off, not knowing that this blood could change his life forever. He doesn’t know that this is the answer to that empty space in his heart—that dull, aching void he has tried to fill all his life. No matter how hard he tries, nothing works. Another drop falls on him, and another. He wonders how long he will have to stand here at the foot of this cross. The sky is starting to turn black—in the middle of the day. The time passes slowly. Then the strange man on the cross cries, “It is finished!” and lowers His head. By now the guard is covered with blood. This has been the strangest day of his life, and yet, somehow, he feels he will never be the same.

They are taking the cross down now, and a rich man runs up and asks that he be allowed to bury the body in his tomb. He is leaving with the body, and the guards follow, making sure the grave is sealed, so that no one can steal the body. And the guard goes home.

A few days later, he sees a man on the street, and his heart stands still. It is the man who had been on the cross. He would recognize that face anywhere—and those eyes, they seem to see right down to the soul. The man is talking to a group of men, his students perhaps, and . . . wait a minute, He is rising up into the air, ascending into heaven! The guard falls to his knees, for surely this must be the Christ!

--Originally written in March 1992 or 1993

Monday, April 18, 2011

Relationship: It Ain't No One-way Street!

Today, I was thinking about an old lesson I learned. I can't quite remember why I was thinking about this particular lesson. I think it was because I was thinking about high school drama and how sometimes one person will keep on trying to kick a dead horse and make a relationship work. High schoolers (and sometimes older people too) just don't realize how unhealthy that is.

Anyway, I was thinking about this lesson. It was a particularly painful lesson, despite its simplicity: it takes two people to make a relationship work. In other words, ONE PERSON CANNOT MAKE A RELATIONSHIP WORK ON HIS OR HER OWN. Yep. . . that's about how loud it had to be to sink into my brain. To make a very long, very painful story short. . . in the past, I did everything humanly possible to make a relationship last, only to learn that you cannot force another person to behave a certain way. If he or she wants to be stupid, you can't change that for him or her--EVEN if you try to pray God's will on his/her life. The problem that you run into is this: God gave us choice. He doesn't force us to do anything. Sometimes when we pray, we ask God to make a person do right. He won't. Man, when I learned that lesson, I really didn't like it. Not one little bit. That, of course, didn't change a thing, except to make me see reality.

Now, since that time, I have been blessed with a wonderful, wonderful man, and I appreciate him so much more due to a very traumatic time in my life, but. . . that's not what I want to talk about. When I revisited that lesson today, it wasn't to think about it in the same old way. Nope. There was a new application. It was. . . well. . . ouch! not such a comfortable application. You see, this time, I was not the one working and working and working to make a relationship work. I was the one who was just doing my own thing, and God was the one who was patiently waiting for me to decide that I wanted to make this relationship work. Ouch! (I told you it wasn't a comfortable application!) Anyway, if you're out there reading this, I hope that it touches you in some way. Tell me what you think. You don't have to agree with me--just remember that I don't have to agree with you either! ;)

So. . now, I've got to remember that a relationship requires a great deal of effort from both parties. It's not about me doing whatever I want and Him dying to reach me. It's about Him dying to reach me and me dying to reach Him.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Hard-Headed Is a Relative Term

Wow. Never thought I'd see this, but Vaelyn has met someone with a harder head! Today at PE (best I can figure), Willian pushed Charles, and that made Charles hit Vaelyn's head with his head. Apparently, it didn't phase Charles. Vaelyn, however, cried, and a four-year-old helped her to the coach to tell what had happened. She got to go to the nurse, who had her hold ice on it and told her a story. . . "a TRUE story."

Apparently, when the nurse was a little girl, a turkey used to chase her and her sister. One day, the girls were startled by the turkey and smacked into each other (with their head, thus making the tale relevant to Vaelyn's predicament). Well, that night they had the turkey for dinner. Mom said, "That's the last time that turkey will chase you!"

Vaelyn found the story hilarious!

At any rate, I'm now counting my blessings that I have a soft-headed child! How difficult it must be for Charles' parents! ;)

(Oh. . . Willian lost his play time for this little incident; however, he and Vaelyn are "best friends" now).

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Selling Your Faith

It's funny sometimes how easy it is for me to make analogies. I do some of my best thinking driving down the road. (I'm sure that should probably be very scary). Anyway, today, I was talking with someone who wasn't really sure what religion she was because her parents were two different religions and her beliefs don't really line up with either one. As we continued to talk, she stated that she believed in re-incarnation in some cases. She stated that she believed that a person could be reincarnated over and over until they get something right. I totally disagree, but. . . I was at a loss for how to show her that God doesn't let you live out a moment over and over and over until you get it right. What does this have to do with analogies, you may ask? Well, I've worked a lot of jobs, and one of the things that I'm doing right now for fun and extra money is selling Avon. Now, if I'm going to sell something successfully, I need to know the product, don't you think? If I don't know how something works or if it works or what it looks like, I cannot assist my customers in determining if that product is right for them or not. Today, when I made that connection, I had to say, "God, forgive me for being unable to sell the product today." Because I have been lax in my studies, I could not pull out a Bible verse or an instance in the Bible that shows that she was wrong. Then it fully connected: my lack of knowledge could make the difference in Heaven or Hell for someone. If you don't use it, you lose it. If I don't keep reading and learning and growing, one day, my stunted spiritual growth could lead to a major failure, a failure in which I am unable to "sell the product," a failure that leads a person whom God lovingly created to reject the "product" and spend eternity in Hell. I am grateful that today was not that day.