Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Hard-Headed Is a Relative Term

Wow. Never thought I'd see this, but Vaelyn has met someone with a harder head! Today at PE (best I can figure), Willian pushed Charles, and that made Charles hit Vaelyn's head with his head. Apparently, it didn't phase Charles. Vaelyn, however, cried, and a four-year-old helped her to the coach to tell what had happened. She got to go to the nurse, who had her hold ice on it and told her a story. . . "a TRUE story."

Apparently, when the nurse was a little girl, a turkey used to chase her and her sister. One day, the girls were startled by the turkey and smacked into each other (with their head, thus making the tale relevant to Vaelyn's predicament). Well, that night they had the turkey for dinner. Mom said, "That's the last time that turkey will chase you!"

Vaelyn found the story hilarious!

At any rate, I'm now counting my blessings that I have a soft-headed child! How difficult it must be for Charles' parents! ;)

(Oh. . . Willian lost his play time for this little incident; however, he and Vaelyn are "best friends" now).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That should be "heads." To my knowledge, the nurse and her sister each had a head and were not Siamese twins with one head! ;)