Friday, April 22, 2011

A Sacrifice of Love

Okay. . . didn't I say that I found a folder of old writings?  Well, I've been going through them, and most of them are still powerful, so they're zapping me all over again!  Here's one for today.  Remember, today is Good Friday, and Easter is just around the corner.

August 5, 1996
I had always thought that it would take a lot of love and sacrifice to wash someone’s feet with your tears, and dry them with your hair.  Then I learned that because sandals were worn in Jesus’ time, dust and manure could be, and probably were, caked on His feet.  I thought that was bad enough, but then I learned that they didn’t shower every day like we do.  It could be a year before that woman got to wash all of that out of her hair.  What love!
But that love pales in comparison to a far greater love.  You see, Jesus loved us enough to wash us not with his tears and hair, and not our feet only.  He loved us enough to wash our whole being with his very blood.  The Son of God loved us enough to wash us with His blood.  I stand in awe and wonder at the God who loved me enough to die so that He could wash away my filthy sin in the purity of His precious blood.  May I never take His blood for granted!

--Originally written August 5, 1996


Aljon Celis said...

Amen. :D

Unknown said...

Oh, I love, love, LOVE it when I get comments! :) Thanks, Aljon!