Friday, April 22, 2011

Okay, so I was considering watching The Passion of the Christ with the kids, but thought that might be too much for them, and an especially bad idea right before bedtime, so I chose Titan AE instead. I've had the movie since before either one of them was born, but never opened it, so tonight, we opened it! (Well, I opened it; thus, the case is still usable!)

Anyway, we cleaned up the living room, and they got jammies on. I sat down on the couch and stretched my legs out in my "movie-watching with the kids" pose. Jayden quickly got up into my lap in his favorite cuddle spot, while Vaelyn had a minor fit that we weren't watching Scooby Doo.

I finally got Vaelyn back in the room for a second: "Oh, how sweet! The Daddy just wanted to keep his little boy safe!" I convinced her to watch just a minute or two of the movie, and if it wasn't good, she could leave. (I know. . . I'm a terrible mom for manipulating my child into watching television! Phillip is working on the roof of the little addition he built off the den and needed space). Anyway, Jayden (on his own) told Vaelyn he would cuddle with her if she would be good, so he made her a spot. So. . . he was in my lap, sitting on my legs with his legs stretched out, and Vaelyn was beside him, a little lower, stretched out with her head leaning on his shoulder. And I. . . I couldn't reach the darn camera for anything. Once I finally did, the battery was dead! I got my cell phone, but by that time, Vaelyn sat up, and I had to re-create the pose.

Now, why, you may ask was this such a photo-worthy moment? Because they can NEVER share my lap! It ALWAYS ends in pushing and whining and crying and tattling (when I'm right there seeing and FEELING the whole thing!) Jayden volunteered to share with her, and we cuddled like that for almost the whole movie. Another thing that makes it a special moment is that Vaelyn just doesn't cuddle for long--at least, not with me. That's probably because her brother is there first, but still, this was probably the longest stretch of cuddling I've had from Vaelyn since she learned to walk!

Anyway, it made my whole week! It was just so sweet. So now, I'm using my blog to try to preserve the moment. :) It was so worth putting the laptop away and not working on the countless things that I still need to accomplish before Monday!

Oh, and about the movie: There was even place where a character gave his life to save the others. It was a great Good Friday movie. :)

The cell phone picture.  Notice that Baby Girl has to ham it up,
and Jayden doesn't want his picture taken!


Aljon Celis said...

That's nice. :D It stunk that your camera was dead.

For some reason, I thought of Jem and Scout Finch while reading this post. They're close siblings at the beginning of the book, but then... well... Jem begins to grow up and he really doesn't ant to spend time with Scout anymore. :(

Have you ever thought about that, Mrs. Hilton? That even though Jayden and Vaelyn are close right now (from what I'm reading), they might grow apart once they mature?

Unknown said...

Nope! I figure they'll grow closer. They sure do fuss enough now to!!! This was a rare moment in which they were loving on each other. Now, they do have a moment now and then, but it's usually followed by a loud argument and frequently a blow or two, some drama, and two children being sent to their rooms! :)

Funny how one moment can give the impression that I have little angels! ;) I'm hope that I can remember not to let one moment define the people that I meet.

I'm sure my children will go through a stage in which they each want space, but I hope when they pass through that phase, that they will adore each other again, like they did more when they were little. Now, they both want what they want when they want it, and. . .