Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Dark Side of Arenal

The dark side of the Arenal volcano in Costa Rica

In June 2011, I was fortunate enough to go on a tour of Costa Rica for nine days.  (Okay, okay.  So one of the days was nothing but travel, making it more of an eight-day tour, but that's not how the travel agencies bill it, of course!)  Anyway, it was totally amazing, and I miss it so much.  I would love to move there and live there forever!  (You think I'm joking, but I'm not!)

One of my favorite areas was Arenal.  We climbed up to see the Poas crater, which was breathtaking (in more ways than one), but what I found even more magnificent was the live volcano.  I'm not sure why. Maybe it was because of the beautiful smoke that mixed with the abundant clouds, making the sky so beautiful.  Maybe it was the majesty of the mountain.  I mean, I spent ten or so years living in Michigan--in the part where everything is level.  Maybe the mountain just amazes me so because I spent all that time around flat land.  But I think there's something more to it.  I even find the active side of Arenal amazing.  It reminds me of the beautiful, black dirt we had in Michigan (not that I don't think red clay cliffs are beautiful!), but I think the biggest fascination with the dark side of the volcano is that there's life all around it.  When I look at it, I remember times in my life when I felt like there was a volcano in my back yard, so to speak, and I felt like I would be destroyed in a rush of hellish lava.  I remember how somehow, somehow I managed to flourish even though the volcano seemed so much bigger than I  was.  I think what I love so much is that victory that seems so small to us, yet so huge to the plants that flourish at the foot of the volcano.  When I look at the active side of the volcano and see the ashes, I also see life!


Laurie Crater Battles said...

Okay, so I see we are nature-loving kindred spirits. The Bible talks about how every man is without excuse regarding an understanding of the fact that God exists and that His attributes are evident in what He has made. I never, ever tire of the endless analogies and lessons He provides in nature. I would love to go to Costa Rica some day, too! Great post!!! Beautiful photo, too.

Unknown said...


Thanks! I took nearly 30 GB of photos! (No, that's not a typo!)

We should go to Costa Rica one day! :)